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E-News Beat #32

December 2022  |  News and latest updates

Agreement signed in Tanzania to boost investments, improve livelihoods, and reduce pollution in Lake Victoria 

A signing ceremony took place on 23rd November 2022 in Mwanza, Tanzania between the East African Community represented by the Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC) and the Mwanza Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (MWAUWASA) on behalf of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania. The Agreement concerns a High Priority Investment (HPI) in expanding the sewer network in Mwanza, connecting more households to the sewer system, and rehabilitating wastewater pumping stations.


The Lake Victoria Basin Integrated Water Resources Management Programme (LVB IWRMP) includes HPIs to be carried out in partnership with the EAC Partner States of Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi and Uganda to reduce the pollution of the Lake Victoria Basin water resources.

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Image: Mwanza Sewer Connection Upgrade is a High Priority Investment for Tanzania

The impact of the agreement

The signing event was not only a chance to inform participants about the LVB IWRMP activities and the positive impact this will have on riparian countries, in particular Tanzania, but also show how key stakeholders work in partnership with governments, Partner States, EU Member States and selected partners to make a difference.

According to the LVBC Executive Secretary, Dr Bwire K. Masinde, “The envisaged effective implementation and completion of the LVB IWRM Programme in the United Republic of Tanzania contributes towards the realization of the National Development Vision 2025 targets relating to water and delivery of sewerage services.” The Programme deliverables in Tanzania are consistent with Tanzanian’s 2022 National Water Policy framework for Sustainable Development and Management of Water Resources. This includes HPIs to be carried out in partnership with the EAC Partner States of Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda to minimize pollution in Lake Victoria.


This is the second time the LVBC has cooperated with MWAUWASA and the MoW having partnered in the implementation of the LVWATSAN Project as well.


Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation, ITV News and the Daily News covered the event: CLICK HERE

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