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E-News Beat #5

October 2021  |  News and latest updates

High Priority Investments Uganda

Component 2 of the LVB IWRM Programme focuses on the realization of High Priority Infrastructure Investments (HPIs) which aim to reduce the pollution of the surface water in the Basin. During the preparation phase of the Programme in 2016, four investment projects that address the pressing and ‘no-regret’ issue of wastewater and sanitation were selected, using a structured selection process. Over to Uganda.

Uganda, Kampala


Rehabilitation of the wastewater ponds and ancillary sewerage network in the Luzira Catchment (Luzira suburb of Kampala).

High priority justification

Reducing the pollution load to the Murchison Bay of Lake Victoria.


Kampala is Uganda's administrative and commercial capital city and is located in the Central region of Uganda along the shoreline of Lake Victoria.


The HPI identified in 2016 aimed at realizing a constructed wetland (CW) within the Nakivubo channel to improve the water quality of the channel, reduce pollution of the Bay and eventually function as a tertiary treatment for the Bugolobi Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP).


Follow-up studies carried out in the last quarter of 2020 showed that the envisaged CW was no longer feasible, due to urban developments that took place before the Programme started.


After several consultative meetings held with the NPEA in Uganda to identify a new project, eventually the rehabilitation of the wastewater ponds and ancillary sewerage network in the Luzira Catchment was proposed. The stabilisation ponds are in a poor condition and the capacity is insufficient.

The National Project Executing Agency comprises four entities: the Ministry of Water & Environment and the lead (MWE), the National Water & Sewerage Corporation (NWSC), the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), and the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA).


The new proposed HPI requires pre-feasibility studies, after which a new project scope will be defined and further steps leading to its implementation can be taken. The LVBC and the Consultant (PIC) are in the process of amending the contract to include new services due to the new concept, and the actual pre-feasibility studies will commence in the third quarter of 2021.

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