E-News Beats
Welcome to E-News Beat – bringing you concise information about the progress of the Lake Victoria Basin - Integrated Water Resources Management Programme (LVB IWRMP).
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E-News Beat #43 The Great Mara Wildebeest Migration: Lessons We Can Draw from Climate Change
E-News Beat #42 In Pursuit of Nature-Based Solutions for A Resilient Burundi
E-News Beat #40 KfW-LVBC Mission Paves Way for Improved Sanitation in Kisumu
E-News Beat #39 LVBC and KfW Partnership Identifies Strategies for Enhanced Project Efficiency
E-News Beat #35 Lake Victoria Basin-Water Information System gets underway in Kampala, Uganda
E-News Beat #31 Water Information System Functional Design In Progress
E-News Beat #26 Big milestone as Agreement signed in Kigali to improve faecal sludge management
E-News Beat #24 Proposed pipeline development for Bungoma and Kibabii Town Sewerage Project in Kenya
E-News Beat #22 New leadership rings in the changes at the Lake Victoria Basin Commission
E-News Beat #21 Kampala Upgrading Sanitation Project Gets Underway
E-News Beat #20 KfW Development Bank visits Programme Areas in Tanzania and Kenya
E-News Beat #18 LVB-IWRM Programme team visit Water Infrastructure in Homa Bay County, Kenya
E-News Beat #16 National Consultative Meeting in Kisumu
E-News Beat #13 Lake Victoria Basin Water Information System (LVB WIS)
E-News Beat #12 High Priority Investments
E-News Beat #11 Country Meetings
E-News Beat #10 Programme extension
E-News Beat #6 Progress on the IWRM Database and IWRM Model (LVB-WIS)
E-News Beat #5 High Priority Investments Uganda
E-News Beat #4 High Priority Investments in the United Republic of Tanzania
E-News Beat #3 High Priority Investments in Rwanda
E-News Beat #2 A word on High Priority Investments
E-News Beat #1 The Programme Coordination Unit
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